Take a Course — Change a Life

Be The Difference Santa Barbara County

Know the signs. Learn the actions. Mental Health First Aid.
QPR. Question. Persuade. Refer.
Worried about your teen? Take Youth Mental Health First Aid.
Teen Mental Health First Aid. It's okay to not be okay.

Take a course. #BeTheDifferenceSB

Which Course is right for you?

What People are Saying

 "What you brought to the community was so powerful and I know the ripple effects will continue to radiate positive impact."
"Thank you very much for providing this training and thank you for being here. I had no idea how many resources were available."
"I have worked in mental health for a long time, but this was very helpful to refresh and see what's new." 

How to Sign Up

All Mental Health First Aid Classes are free to Santa Barbara County Residents!

Classes are ongoing.
Contact us to register.
Or schedule a class for your
school or organization.

¡Todas las clases de primeros auxilios para la salud mental son gratuitas para los residentes del condado de Santa Bárbara!

Thank you!

Through a SAMHSA grant, Family Service Agency (FSA) and YouthWell are able to provide more community education around mental health as a way to support youth in our community.

Contact us via email to learn more.